Update from Mary
It has been a very long time since I last wrote any form of blog for you, sometimes life does certainly get away from us. A lot has changed within Aspect, mostly that would be me!
I have been working as a coach primarily through Linked In and was honored to receive #bestofthepros career coaches of 2017!
I also have been diligently working on this website so that it will meet your needs, provide information, recommendations and connection. I plan on making specifically scheduled contact but that will have to wait until I get my @#$%! bookkeeping done for tax season @#$%!!
Here is a list of all that I am working on for you…
Falcon Holmes Lakehouse Retreat house. The building sleeps up to 16 with two bathrooms, a cook’s kitchen, deck for lake view with outdoor grill and firepit. Perfect for small weekend workshops in southern Michigan at the Ohio and Indiana borders, about two hours from Metro Detroit. Two floors can separate groups if desired.
Making Change, a Heroic Journey. My next book that is intended to help those that guide others through change. Coming later will be contests for counseling, rehabilitation and social workers to submit their favorite intervention activity with the goal to have those published right here! It is not too early to get started on that now!
Ignite their Life. Small group presentations for parents who will be launching their teens into adult working, or college life. I will be making these intro sessions available locally in Livonia, MI and when there becomes a demand, virtually on Zoom, or another similar platform. The first Livonia date is scheduled for April 30th, Monday from 7P-8:30P at the Livonia Bennett Civic Center Library on five mile rd. This is a free informational event.
We recommend will be updated regularly with the best resources I have found, whether you are coaching yourself, or you are one of my colleagues who is a coach, or uses coaching as a strategy.
Lifestyle Coaching for those addressing PT2 Diabetes. I just started coaching for the National Kidney Foundation of Michigan’s Diabetes Prevention Program. The program addresses the epidemic of pre-type 2 Diabetes largely caused from too much weight and a sedentary lifestyle. The Center for Disease Control is overseeing the program nationally, they have seen some really great success. I am not only a coach for this program, I am also a client. I started following the program recommendations about a month ago and have reduced my weight by 9.5lbs. I will formerly start coaching my group next Wednesday at the University of Michigan clinic in Livonia. I will be sharing blog installments of my journey, coming soon. Hopefully I can figure out video blogging and include that here. If you are interested in this coaching for you or to provide it, get me here!
All for now. Until next time! Be Real, Make it Real and Keep it Real!